一文带你读懂Golang实验性功能SetMaxHeap 固定值GC
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一文带你读懂Golang实验性功能SetMaxHeap 固定值GC

in Go with 0 comment

简单来说,SetMaxHeap提供了一种可以设置固定触发阈值的 GC(Garbage Collection垃圾回收)方式

官方源码链接 https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/227767/3






GCSTWStop The World),对于时延敏感场景,在一个周期内连续触发两轮GC,那么STWGC占用的CPU资源都会造成很大的影响,SetMaxHeap并不一定是完美的,在某些场景下做了些权衡,官方也在进行相关的实验,当前方案仍没有合入主版本。



gc 16 @1.106s 3%: 0.010+19+0.038 ms clock, 0.21+0.29/95/266+0.76 ms cpu, 128->132->67 MB, 135 MB goal, 20 P
gc 17 @1.236s 3%: 0.010+20+0.040 ms clock, 0.21+0.37/100/267+0.81 ms cpu, 129->132->67 MB, 135 MB goal, 20 P

这里只关注128->132->67 MB 135 MB goal

分别为 GC开始时内存使用量 -> GC标记完成时内存使用量 -> GC标记完成时的存活内存量 本轮GC标记完成时的预期内存使用量(上一轮GC完成时确定)

引用GC peace设计文档中的一张图来说明



简单说下GC pacing(信用机制)


GC pacing有两个目标,



首先确定gc Goal goal = memstats.heap_marked + memstats.heap_marked*uint64(gcpercent)/100

heap_marked为本轮GC存活量,gcpercent默认为100,可以通过环境变量GOGC=100或者debug.SetGCPercent(100) 来设置

那么默认情况下 goal = 2 * heap_marked

gc_trigger是与goal相关的一个值(gc_trigger大约为goal90%左右),每轮GC标记完成时,会根据|Ha-Hg|和实际使用的cpu资源 动态调整gc_triggergoal的差值


GC pacing还会预估下一轮GC发生时,需要扫描对象对象的总量,进而换算为下一轮GC所需的工作量,进而计算出mark assist的值

本轮GC触发(gc_trigger),到本轮的goal期间,需要尽力完成GC mark 标记操作,所以当GC期间,某个goroutine分配大量内存时,就会被拉去做mark assist工作,先进行GC mark标记赚取足够的信用值后,才能分配对应大小的对象

根据本轮GC存活的内存量(heap_marked)和下一轮GC触发的阈值(gc_trigger)计算sweep assist的值,本轮GC完成,到下一轮GC触发(gc_trigger)时,需要尽力刚好完成sweep清扫操作


	// heap_scan is the number of bytes of "scannable" heap. This
	// is the live heap (as counted by heap_live), but omitting
	// no-scan objects and no-scan tails of objects.
	// Whenever this is updated, call gcController.revise().
	heap_scan uint64
	// Compute the expected scan work remaining.
	// This is estimated based on the expected
	// steady-state scannable heap. For example, with
	// GOGC=100, only half of the scannable heap is
	// expected to be live, so that's what we target.
	// (This is a float calculation to avoid overflowing on
	// 100*heap_scan.)
	scanWorkExpected := int64(float64(memstats.heap_scan) * 100 / float64(100+gcpercent))



增大 gcpercent?


前面一轮看起来很好,提升了GC触发的阈值到10GB,但是如果某一轮GC后的存活对象到达2.5GB的时候,那么下一轮GC触发的阈值,将会超过内存阈值,造成OOMOut of Memory),进而导致程序崩溃。



可以通过进程外监控内存使用状态,使用信号触发的方式通知程序,或ReadMemStats、或linkname runtime.heapRetained等方式进行堆内存使用的监测




gc 4 @1.006s 0%: 0.033+5.6+0.024 ms clock, 0.27+4.4/11/25+0.19 ms cpu, 428->428->16 MB, 17592186044415 MB goal, 8 P (forced)

通过GC trace可以看出,上面所说的goal变成了一个很诡异的值17592186044415


^uint64(0)>>20 == 17592186044415 MB


由于goalgc_trigger被设置成了极大值,而mark assistsweep assist仍会按照这个错误的值去计算,导致assist的工作量变大,这一点可以从trace中进行证明


可以看到很诡异的trace图,这里不做深究,该方案与GC pacing信用机制不兼容


本文的主角-- SetMaxHeap




	stacks_sys   uint64 // only counts newosproc0 stack in mstats; differs from MemStats.StackSys
	mspan_sys    uint64
	mcache_sys   uint64
	buckhash_sys uint64 // profiling bucket hash table
	gc_sys       uint64 // updated atomically or during STW
	other_sys    uint64 // updated atomically or during STW



	notify := make(chan struct{}, 1)  // 先不管这个notify
	debug.SetMaxHeap(12<<30, notify)  // 设置阈值为12GB
	debug.SetGCPercent(-1)            // 该方案实现过程中对关闭GC的情况做了兼容,可以这样使用




	notify := make(chan struct{}, 1)  // 先不管这个notify
	debug.SetMaxHeap(12<<30, notify)  // 设置阈值为12GB




切换到go1.14分支,作者选择了git checkout go1.14.5


git fetch "https://go.googlesource.com/go" refs/changes/67/227767/3 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD




func SetMaxHeap(bytes uintptr, notify chan<- struct{}) uintptr 


notify 简单理解为 GC的策略 发生变化时会向channel发送通知,后续源码可以看出“策略”具体指哪些内容

Whenever the garbage collector's scheduling policy changes as a result of this heap limit (that is, the result that would be returned by ReadGCPolicy changes), the garbage collector will send to the notify channel.



notify := make(chan struct{}, 1)
var gcp GCPolicy
prev := SetMaxHeap(limit, notify)

// Check that that notified us of heap pressure.
select {
case <-notify:
  ReadGCPolicy(&gcp)	// 获取变化后的GC策略信息
  t.Errorf("missing GC pressure notification")


// SetGCPercent sets the garbage collection target percentage:
// a collection is triggered when the ratio of freshly allocated data
// to live data remaining after the previous collection reaches this percentage.
// SetGCPercent returns the previous setting.
// The initial setting is the value of the GOGC environment variable
// at startup, or 100 if the variable is not set.
// A negative percentage disables triggering garbage collection
// based on the ratio of fresh allocation to previously live heap.
// However, GC can still be explicitly triggered by runtime.GC and
// similar functions, or by the maximum heap size set by SetMaxHeap.
func SetGCPercent(percent int) int {
	return int(setGCPercent(int32(percent)))

// GCPolicy reports the garbage collector's policy for controlling the
// heap size and scheduling garbage collection work.
type GCPolicy struct {
	// GCPercent is the current value of GOGC, as set by the GOGC
	// environment variable or SetGCPercent.
	// If triggering GC by relative heap growth is disabled, this
	// will be -1.
	GCPercent int

	// MaxHeapBytes is the current soft heap limit set by
	// SetMaxHeap, in bytes.
	// If there is no heap limit set, this will be ^uintptr(0).
	MaxHeapBytes uintptr

	// AvailGCPercent is the heap space available for allocation
	// before the next GC, as a percent of the heap used at the
	// end of the previous garbage collection. It measures memory
	// pressure and how hard the garbage collector must work to
	// achieve the heap size goals set by GCPercent and
	// MaxHeapBytes.
	// For example, if AvailGCPercent is 100, then at the end of
	// the previous garbage collection, the space available for
	// allocation before the next GC was the same as the space
	// used. If AvailGCPercent is 20, then the space available is
	// only a 20% of the space used.
	// AvailGCPercent is directly comparable with GCPercent.
	// If AvailGCPercent >= GCPercent, the garbage collector is
	// not under pressure and can amortize the cost of garbage
	// collection by allowing the heap to grow in proportion to
	// how much is used.
	// If AvailGCPercent < GCPercent, the garbage collector is
	// under pressure and must run more frequently to keep the
	// heap size under MaxHeapBytes. Smaller values of
	// AvailGCPercent indicate greater pressure. In this case, the
	// application should shed load and reduce its live heap size
	// to relieve memory pressure.
	// AvailGCPercent is always >= 0.
	AvailGCPercent int

// 只是针对Go堆内存的软限制,默认不开启
// SetMaxHeap sets a soft limit on the size of the Go heap and returns
// the previous setting. By default, there is no limit.
// If a max heap is set, the garbage collector will endeavor to keep
// the heap size under the specified size, even if this is lower than
// would normally be determined by GOGC (see SetGCPercent).
// 当由于SetMaxHeap导致垃圾收集器的策略发生变化(ReadGCPolicy返回的结果发生更改)时,
// 会向notify发生通知
// Whenever the garbage collector's scheduling policy changes as a
// result of this heap limit (that is, the result that would be
// returned by ReadGCPolicy changes), the garbage collector will send
// to the notify channel. This is a non-blocking send, so this should
// be a single-element buffered channel, though this is not required.
// Only a single channel may be registered for notifications at a
// time; SetMaxHeap replaces any previously registered channel.
// The application is strongly encouraged to respond to this
// notification by calling ReadGCPolicy and, if AvailGCPercent is less
// than GCPercent, shedding load to reduce its live heap size. Setting
// a maximum heap size limits the garbage collector's ability to
// amortize the cost of garbage collection when the heap reaches the
// heap size limit. This is particularly important in
// request-processing systems, where increasing pressure on the
// garbage collector reduces CPU time available to the application,
// making it less able to complete work, leading to even more pressure
// on the garbage collector. The application must shed load to avoid
// this "GC death spiral".
// The limit set by SetMaxHeap is soft. If the garbage collector would
// consume too much CPU to keep the heap under this limit (leading to
// "thrashing"), it will allow the heap to grow larger than the
// specified max heap.
// 堆内存大小不是包括进程内存占用的所有内容,它不包括stacks,C分配的内存和许多runtime内部使用的结构。
// The heap size does not include everything in the process's memory
// footprint. Notably, it does not include stacks, C-allocated memory,
// or many runtime-internal structures.
// 当bytes== ^uintptr(0)时,关闭SetMaxHeap,仅当这种情况下notify可以为nil
// To disable the heap limit, pass ^uintptr(0) for the bytes argument.
// In this case, notify can be nil.
// 如果只依赖SetMaxHeap去触发过GC,在设置阈值后调用SetGCPercent(-1)来关闭原生GC
// To depend only on the heap limit to trigger garbage collection,
// call SetGCPercent(-1) after setting a heap limit.
func SetMaxHeap(bytes uintptr, notify chan<- struct{}) uintptr {
	// 关闭该功能
	if bytes == ^uintptr(0) {
		return gcSetMaxHeap(bytes, nil)
	// 开启该功能时,应传入一个notify
	if notify == nil {
		panic("SetMaxHeap requires a non-nil notify channel")
	return gcSetMaxHeap(bytes, notify)

// gcSetMaxHeap is provided by package runtime.
// 在这里只进行函数定义,在runtime中实现具体功能
func gcSetMaxHeap(bytes uintptr, notify chan<- struct{}) uintptr

// ReadGCPolicy reads the garbage collector's current policy for
// managing the heap size. This includes static settings controlled by
// the application and dynamic policy determined by heap usage.
// ReadGCPolicy读取垃圾收集器当前的用于管理堆大小的策略,
// 这包括由应用程序控制的静态设置和由堆使用情况确定的动态策略,后面可以看下具体返回的是什么
func ReadGCPolicy(gcp *GCPolicy) {
	gcp.GCPercent, gcp.MaxHeapBytes, gcp.AvailGCPercent = gcReadPolicy()

// gcReadPolicy is provided by package runtime.
// 在这里只进行函数定义,在runtime中实现具体功能
func gcReadPolicy() (gogc int, maxHeap uintptr, egogc int)


// To begin with, maxHeap is infinity.
// 默认关闭,为极大值
var maxHeap uintptr = ^uintptr(0)

func gcinit() {
	if unsafe.Sizeof(workbuf{}) != _WorkbufSize {
		throw("size of Workbuf is suboptimal")

	// No sweep on the first cycle.
	mheap_.sweepdone = 1

	// Set a reasonable initial GC trigger.
	memstats.triggerRatio = 7 / 8.0

	// Fake a heap_marked value so it looks like a trigger at
	// heapminimum is the appropriate growth from heap_marked.
	// This will go into computing the initial GC goal.
	memstats.heap_marked = uint64(float64(heapminimum) / (1 + memstats.triggerRatio))

	// Disable heap limit initially.
	// 默认关闭
	gcPressure.maxHeap = ^uintptr(0)

	// Set gcpercent from the environment. This will also compute
	// and set the GC trigger and goal.
	_ = setGCPercent(readgogc())

	work.startSema = 1
	work.markDoneSema = 1

//go:linkname setGCPercent runtime/debug.setGCPercent
func setGCPercent(in int32) (out int32) {
	// Run on the system stack since we grab the heap lock.
	var updated bool
	systemstack(func() {
		out = gcpercent
		if in < 0 {
			in = -1
		gcpercent = in
		// 为了做兼容,gcpercent<0时,不再将goal设置为极大值
		if gcpercent >= 0 {
			heapminimum = defaultHeapMinimum * uint64(gcpercent) / 100
		} else {
			heapminimum = 0
		// Update pacing in response to gcpercent change.
		updated = gcSetTriggerRatio(memstats.triggerRatio)
	// Pacing changed, so the scavenger should be awoken.
	// 如果开启了SetMaxHeap,并且发生变化时,则向notify发送通知
	if updated {

	// If we just disabled GC, wait for any concurrent GC mark to
	// finish so we always return with no GC running.
	if in < 0 {

	return out

// 新增SetMaxHeap相关内部变量
var gcPressure struct {
	// lock may be acquired while mheap_.lock is held. Hence, it
	// must only be acquired from the system stack.
	lock mutex

	// notify is a notification channel for GC pressure changes
	// with a notification sent after every gcSetTriggerRatio.
	// It is provided by package debug. It may be nil.
	notify chan<- struct{}

	// Together gogc, maxHeap, and egogc represent the GC policy.
	// gogc is GOGC, maxHeap is the GC heap limit, and egogc is the effective GOGC.
	// gogc,maxHeap和egogc一起代表了GC策略
	// gogc是GOGC,maxHeap是GC堆限制,egogc是有效的GOGC
	// These are set by the user with debug.SetMaxHeap. GC will
	// attempt to keep heap_live under maxHeap, even if it has to
	// violate GOGC (up to a point).
	gogc    int
	maxHeap uintptr
	egogc   int

//go:linkname gcSetMaxHeap runtime/debug.gcSetMaxHeap
// 通过linkname的方式,在这里实现debug包中的gcSetMaxHeap函数内容
func gcSetMaxHeap(bytes uintptr, notify chan<- struct{}) uintptr {
	var (
		prev    uintptr
		updated bool
	systemstack(func() {
		// gcPressure.notify has a write barrier on it so it must be protected
		// by gcPressure's lock instead of mheap's, otherwise we could deadlock.
		// 加锁,获取设置之前的阈值,将bytes设置到maxHeap中
		gcPressure.notify = notify


		// Update max heap.
		prev = maxHeap
		maxHeap = bytes

		// Update pacing. This will update gcPressure from the
		// globals gcpercent and maxHeap.
		updated = gcSetTriggerRatio(memstats.triggerRatio)

	if updated {
	// 返回设置之前的阈值
	return prev

// gcSetTriggerRatio sets the trigger ratio and updates everything
// derived from it: the absolute trigger, the heap goal, mark pacing,
// and sweep pacing.
// This can be called any time. If GC is the in the middle of a
// concurrent phase, it will adjust the pacing of that phase.
// This depends on gcpercent, mheap_.maxHeap, memstats.heap_marked,
// and memstats.heap_live. These must be up to date.
// Returns whether or not there was a change in the GC policy.
// If it returns true, the caller must call gcPolicyNotify() after
// releasing the heap lock.
// mheap_.lock must be held or the world must be stopped.
// This must be called on the system stack because it acquires
// gcPressure.lock.
// 新增返回值changed,当返回true时会向notify发送通知
// 该函数会在gcSetMaxHeap、setGCPercent、gcMarkTermination中调用
// gcSetMaxHeap、setGCPercent只会被主动调用;gcMarkTermination在每轮GC的STW2期间被调用
func gcSetTriggerRatio(triggerRatio float64) (changed bool) {
	// Since GOGC ratios are in terms of heap_marked, make sure it
	// isn't 0. This shouldn't happen, but if it does we want to
	// avoid infinities and divide-by-zeroes.
	if memstats.heap_marked == 0 {
		memstats.heap_marked = 1

	// Compute the next GC goal, which is when the allocated heap
	// has grown by GOGC/100 over the heap marked by the last
	// cycle, or maxHeap, whichever is lower.
	// 先根据gcpercent计算goal值
	goal := ^uint64(0)
	if gcpercent >= 0 {
		goal = memstats.heap_marked + memstats.heap_marked*uint64(gcpercent)/100
	// 如果开启了SetMaxHeap功能,并且goal大于设置的阈值,强行修改goal
	if gcPressure.maxHeap != ^uintptr(0) && goal > uint64(gcPressure.maxHeap) { // Careful of 32-bit uintptr!
		// Use maxHeap-based goal.
		goal = uint64(gcPressure.maxHeap)

		// Avoid thrashing by not letting the
		// effective GOGC drop below 10.
		// TODO(austin): This heuristic is pulled from
		// thin air. It might be better to do
		// something to more directly force
		// amortization of GC costs, e.g., by limiting
		// what fraction of the time GC can be active.
		var minGOGC uint64 = 10
		if gcpercent >= 0 && uint64(gcpercent) < minGOGC {
			// The user explicitly requested
			// GOGC < minGOGC. Use that.
			minGOGC = uint64(gcpercent)
		lowerBound := memstats.heap_marked + memstats.heap_marked*minGOGC/100
		if goal < lowerBound {
			goal = lowerBound
	} else {

	// Set the trigger ratio, capped to reasonable bounds.
	if triggerRatio < 0 {
		// This can happen if the mutator is allocating very
		// quickly or the GC is scanning very slowly.
		triggerRatio = 0
	} else if gcpercent >= 0 && triggerRatio > float64(gcpercent)/100 {
		// Cap trigger ratio at GOGC/100.
		triggerRatio = float64(gcpercent) / 100
	memstats.triggerRatio = triggerRatio

	// Compute the absolute GC trigger from the trigger ratio.
	// We trigger the next GC cycle when the allocated heap has
	// grown by the trigger ratio over the marked heap size.
	trigger := ^uint64(0)
	// 计算gc_trigger
	if goal != ^uint64(0) {
		trigger = uint64(float64(memstats.heap_marked) * (1 + triggerRatio))
		// Ensure there's always a little margin so that the
		// mutator assist ratio isn't infinity.
		if trigger > goal*95/100 {
			trigger = goal * 95 / 100

		// If we let triggerRatio go too low, then if the application
		// is allocating very rapidly we might end up in a situation
		// where we're allocating black during a nearly always-on GC.
		// The result of this is a growing heap and ultimately an
		// increase in RSS. By capping us at a point >0, we're essentially
		// saying that we're OK using more CPU during the GC to prevent
		// this growth in RSS.
		// The current constant was chosen empirically: given a sufficiently
		// fast/scalable allocator with 48 Ps that could drive the trigger ratio
		// to <0.05, this constant causes applications to retain the same peak
		// RSS compared to not having this allocator.
		const minTriggerRatio = 0.6
		minTrigger := memstats.heap_marked + uint64(minTriggerRatio*float64(goal-memstats.heap_marked))
		if trigger < minTrigger {
			trigger = minTrigger

		// Don't trigger below the minimum heap size.
		minTrigger = heapminimum
		if !isSweepDone() {
			// Concurrent sweep happens in the heap growth
			// from heap_live to gc_trigger, so ensure
			// that concurrent sweep has some heap growth
			// in which to perform sweeping before we
			// start the next GC cycle.
			sweepMin := atomic.Load64(&memstats.heap_live) + sweepMinHeapDistance
			if sweepMin > minTrigger {
				minTrigger = sweepMin
		if trigger < minTrigger {
			trigger = minTrigger
		if int64(trigger) < 0 {
			print("runtime: next_gc=", memstats.next_gc, " heap_marked=", memstats.heap_marked, " heap_live=", memstats.heap_live, " initialHeapLive=", work.initialHeapLive, "triggerRatio=", triggerRatio, " minTrigger=", minTrigger, "\n")
			throw("gc_trigger underflow")
		if trigger > goal {
			// The trigger ratio is always less than GOGC/100, but
			// other bounds on the trigger may have raised it.
			// Push up the goal, too.
			goal = trigger

	// Commit to the trigger and goal.
	memstats.gc_trigger = trigger
	memstats.next_gc = goal
	if trace.enabled {

	// Update mark pacing.
	if gcphase != _GCoff {

	// Update sweep pacing.
	if isSweepDone() {
		mheap_.sweepPagesPerByte = 0
	} else {
		// Concurrent sweep needs to sweep all of the in-use
		// pages by the time the allocated heap reaches the GC
		// trigger. Compute the ratio of in-use pages to sweep
		// per byte allocated, accounting for the fact that
		// some might already be swept.
		heapLiveBasis := atomic.Load64(&memstats.heap_live)
		heapDistance := int64(trigger) - int64(heapLiveBasis)
		// Add a little margin so rounding errors and
		// concurrent sweep are less likely to leave pages
		// unswept when GC starts.
		heapDistance -= 1024 * 1024
		if heapDistance < _PageSize {
			// Avoid setting the sweep ratio extremely high
			heapDistance = _PageSize
		pagesSwept := atomic.Load64(&mheap_.pagesSwept)
		pagesInUse := atomic.Load64(&mheap_.pagesInUse)
		sweepDistancePages := int64(pagesInUse) - int64(pagesSwept)
		if sweepDistancePages <= 0 {
			mheap_.sweepPagesPerByte = 0
		} else {
			mheap_.sweepPagesPerByte = float64(sweepDistancePages) / float64(heapDistance)
			mheap_.sweepHeapLiveBasis = heapLiveBasis
			// Write pagesSweptBasis last, since this
			// signals concurrent sweeps to recompute
			// their debt.
			atomic.Store64(&mheap_.pagesSweptBasis, pagesSwept)


	// Update the GC policy due to a GC pressure change.
	gogc, maxHeap, egogc := gcReadPolicyLocked()
	// 如果gogc、maxHeap、egogc中的任何一个值与上次调用gcSetTriggerRatio时的值不一样,则返回true
	if gogc != gcPressure.gogc || maxHeap != gcPressure.maxHeap || egogc != gcPressure.egogc {
		gcPressure.gogc, gcPressure.maxHeap, gcPressure.egogc = gogc, maxHeap, egogc
		changed = true

// Sends a non-blocking notification on gcPressure.notify.
// mheap_.lock and gcPressure.lock must not be held.
// 简单做些判断后,向notify以非阻塞的方式发送通知
func gcPolicyNotify() {
	// Switch to the system stack to acquire gcPressure.lock.
	var n chan<- struct{}
	gp := getg()
	systemstack(func() {
		if gcPressure.notify == nil {
		if raceenabled {
			// notify is protected by gcPressure.lock, but
			// the race detector can't see that.
			raceacquireg(gp, unsafe.Pointer(&gcPressure.notify))
		// Just grab the channel first so that we're holding as
		// few locks as possible when we actually make the channel send.
		n = gcPressure.notify
		if raceenabled {
			racereleaseg(gp, unsafe.Pointer(&gcPressure.notify))
	if n == nil {

	// Perform a non-blocking send on the channel.
	select {
	case n <- struct{}{}:

//go:linkname gcReadPolicy runtime/debug.gcReadPolicy
func gcReadPolicy() (gogc int, maxHeap uintptr, egogc int) {
	systemstack(func() {
		gogc, maxHeap, egogc = gcReadPolicyLocked()

// mheap_.lock must be locked, therefore this must be called on the
// systemstack.
// 按照前面的注释所述,gogc是GOGC,maxHeap是GC堆限制,egogc是有效的GOGC
func gcReadPolicyLocked() (gogc int, maxHeapOut uintptr, egogc int) {
	// 获取计算出的实际goal值
  goal := memstats.next_gc
  // 如果goal小于阈值,并且没有关闭GC,那么是按照正常的gcpercent计算的,没有进行干预
  // 参考简单用法2,时间点5时的GC触发值,返回gcpercent
	if goal < uint64(maxHeap) && gcpercent >= 0 {
		// We're not up against the max heap size, so just
		// return GOGC.
		egogc = int(gcpercent)
	} else {
		// Back out the effective GOGC from the goal.
		// 获取实际情况的gcpercent
		egogc = int(gcEffectiveGrowthRatio() * 100)
		// The effective GOGC may actually be higher than
		// gcpercent if the heap is tiny. Avoid that confusion
		// and just return the user-set GOGC.
		// 当开启GC,并且实际GOGC大于设置的gcpercent时,仍然返回设置的gcpercent
		if gcpercent >= 0 && egogc > int(gcpercent) {
			egogc = int(gcpercent)
  // 返回的三个值分别为 设置的gcpercent、设置的maxHeap、当前实际的gcpercent
	return int(gcpercent), maxHeap, egogc

func gcEffectiveGrowthRatio() float64 {
  // 计算实际的 gcpercent,根据本轮GC存活对象和下一轮GC的goal
  // `goal = memstats.heap_marked + memstats.heap_marked*uint64(gcpercent)/100` 这个公式的逆运算
	egogc := float64(memstats.next_gc-memstats.heap_marked) / float64(memstats.heap_marked)
	if egogc < 0 {
		// Shouldn't happen, but just in case.
		egogc = 0
	return egogc

// test reports whether the trigger condition is satisfied, meaning
// that the exit condition for the _GCoff phase has been met. The exit
// condition should be tested when allocating.
// 这个函数是计算是否需要触发GC的,返回true时会调用gcStart 进行GC
func (t gcTrigger) test() bool {
	if !memstats.enablegc || panicking != 0 || gcphase != _GCoff {
		return false
	switch t.kind {
	case gcTriggerHeap:
		// Non-atomic access to heap_live for performance. If
		// we are going to trigger on this, this thread just
		// atomically wrote heap_live anyway and we'll see our
		// own write.
		return memstats.heap_live >= memstats.gc_trigger
	case gcTriggerTime:
		if gcpercent < 0 && gcPressure.maxHeap == ^uintptr(0) {
			return false
		// 如果设置了debug.SetMaxHeap,即使配置debug.SetGCPercent(-1)时,超过2分钟没有触发GC时,仍然触发GC
		lastgc := int64(atomic.Load64(&memstats.last_gc_nanotime))
		return lastgc != 0 && t.now-lastgc > forcegcperiod
	case gcTriggerCycle:
		// t.n > work.cycles, but accounting for wraparound.
		return int32(t.n-work.cycles) > 0
	return true

func gcMarkTermination(nextTriggerRatio float64) {
	// Update GC trigger and pacing for the next cycle.
	var notify bool
	systemstack(func() {
		notify = gcSetTriggerRatio(nextTriggerRatio)
	if notify {



